Multicultural peer-consultation represents one route to reducing health inequities.

This model provides the infrastructure for health care providers to obtain input from trusted colleagues to inform the ways they conduct assessments and treatment with diverse patients. This weekly group alternates between consultation meetings and didactic meetings where team members and invited guests lead discussions on relevant topics.


Nagy, G. A., LeMaire, K., Miller, M., Howard, M., Wyatt, K., & Zerubavel, N. (2019). Development of a multicultural consultation team in a large medical center. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 26(4), 656-675.

Nagy, G. A., Robbins, C., Anand, D., Coleman, J., Arnold, M., Nwosu, J., Singh, S. & Woodward, E. (In Press). Building a multicultural peer-consultation team: Planning, implementing, and early sustainment evaluation. Transcultural Psychiatry.

Would you like to join our Multicultural Peer-Consultation Consortium?


As our model of multicultural peer-consultation has been taking off and actively replicated across diverse settings in the US (e.g., academic medical centers, VA hospital, psychology departmental clinics), we have identified a need to develop a forum where teams can connect with one another and engage in cross-learning. Each team in the Consortium is a different stages of development - preparation, preliminary development and implementation, and sustainment. Further, our Consortium comprises graduate students, post-docs, social workers, psychotherapists, and faculty members. We welcome any team to join us regardless of where they are in the process of implementation.

We aim to meet on a quarterly basis virtually to hear updates from these distinct efforts, help each other celebrate successes and troubleshoot challenges, and develop collaborations (e.g., multi-site grant proposals, manuscripts, conference presentations, etc.).

If you and/or your team would like to join a community of other health care professionals who are actively developing this infrastructure at your institution, we invite you to join our Multicultural Peer-Consultation Consortium! If you are interested in learning more, please email me at