Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
My work centers on reducing mental health care inequities experienced by minoritized* communities using a social justice lens.
I am a clinical psychologist working in academia and in the community. In my current roles, I am involved in clinical, research, and mentorship efforts. Below are several key areas on which I am currently focused.
*I use the term minoritized to refer to groups that have been deliberately harmed, excluded, and disenfranchised through the use of systemic oppression in all of its forms.
Conducting rigorous, inclusive, and respectful community-engaged research .
My research lab is devoted to co-designing solutions to complex health problems FOR communities experiencing health inequities WITH community members and partner organizations who have been historically underrepresented in the research process. We collaboratively identify the direction our work will take and we follow the lead of our partners.
Achieving health equity for minoritized communities by developing culturally-conscious* evidence-based practices.
My research focuses on understanding the social conditions that create chronic stressors for minoritized communities (usually stemming from systemic oppression), that have negative impacts for their health and well-being. These conditions (social drivers of health) contribute to health disparities. My team, alongside community partners, is actively working on developing interventions to bolster resilience to buffer against these stressors.
*I use the term culturally-conscious to refer to a health care' provider’s ability to develop awareness about the intersection of their various cultural identities as well as those of patients from all backgrounds, with a keen focus on systems of oppression.
Optimizing training methods for developing cultural consciousness in health care professionals.
I seek to identify effective methods for helping mental healthcare professionals develop cultural consciousness in the way they conduct assessment and treatment. I have developed graduate seminars and provide trainings and consulting to health care agencies to better serve the needs of their patients.
Creating infrastructure for multicultural peer-consultation in diverse health care settings.
I co-developed a multicultural peer-consultation model whereby mental health care professionals meet weekly to consult on ongoing clinical cases (and themselves), centering the cultural and contextual influences affecting the mental health of their patients. We view these influences from a social justice lens so that we can chip away at the impacts of systemic oppression in all of its forms — racism, xenophobia, sexism, and anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric, among others. Our model has gained traction and is currently being replicated nationally by other teams.
Providing culturally-conscious, anti-oppressive, evidence-based psychological treatment.
I am trained as an adult clinical psychologist. I practice from a contemporary cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) theoretical orientation. I am a generalist, supporting the emotional and behavioral wellness of a broad range of individuals using evidence-based practices. I am am fluently bilingual (Spanish-English) and have extensive experience working with immigrants and refugees from Latin America.
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