Glance at the gallery below for selected media appearances.


La Hora de Salud (The Health Hour)

Las dinámicas familiares en EUA ante la migración (The dynamics of family life in the U.S. in the context of migration)

Mental Health Equity Through Community Partnerships

El impacto del estrés asociado a la migración (Health impacts of acculturative stress).

Salud mental (Mental health).

Técnicas para el manejo del estrés (Stress management techniques)

Mes de la concientización sobre salud emocional: Manejo del estrés (Mental health awareness month: Stress management).


Health inequities.

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Understanding Mental Health Challenges Facing Latinx Community

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Achieving health equity for Latinx immigrants

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Community representatives reflect on participant experiences and community research pitfalls and best practices.



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Tres expertas en medicina nos aclaran mitos del COVID-19 (Three medical experts clarify myths about COVID-19).

Especialistas en salud de Carolina del Norte aclaran los mitos del coronavirus (North Carolina health specialists clear up coronavirus myths).


Workforce development.

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Community Matters: SALUD

Burnout and MH in biodemical students.png

Burnout and mental health problems in biomedical doctoral students.


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Latinos en la pandemia - La desproporción latina (Latinos in the pandemic - the Latino disparity)

Print media.

Will Alexander Interview.png

COVID-19, the Latinx community, and mental health: An interview with Gabriela Nagy, PhD.

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Bass Connections Faculty Perspectives.