Delivering contemporary CBTs to reduce suffering.

I am trained as a clinical psychologist. My theoretical orientation is that of cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBTs). I exclusively use contemporary CBTs that have garnered empirical support through rigorous scientific studies and have undergone a peer-review process. I aim to carefully balance acceptance- and change-based strategies in order to tackle ongoing stressors and problems. Thus, I focus on on increasing present-moment awareness through mindfulness/meditation practice while also taking a more active and directive role, depending on patents’ needs and preferences for treatment.

I am a bilingual (English/Spanish) and bicultural psychotherapist. I have received extensive training treating individuals from immigrant and racial/ethnic underrepresented backgrounds, primarily immigrants and refugees from Latin America.

Some of the most common treatment approaches I draw on include:

  • Behavioral Activation

  • Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy

  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

  • Cognitive Therapy

  • Exposure Therapy

  • Cognitive Processing Therapy

  • Behavior Therapy for Trichotillomania and Tic Disorders

Common experiences for which the individuals I work with often seek treatment with me include:

  • Goals and values clarification

  • Improving mood

  • Managing stress, worry, and anxiety

  • Improving interpersonal communication skills

  • Emotional intelligence (learning about emotions and managing them more effectively)

  • Increasing relationship intimacy

  • Overcoming anxiety-producing situations (e.g., public speaking)

  • Increasing resilience in the context of stress

  • Reducing acculturative stress (stress associated with the process of immigration)

  • Learning skills to deal with discrimination (e.g., sexism, racism, LGBTQ+ intolerance)

  • Exploring sexual orientation and gender identity

I have particular expertise working with individuals from diverse backgrounds, broadly defined. With a pursuit of building my cultural consciousness, I have developed a skillset in being exquisitely attuned to contextual and sociocultural factors that are relevant in a psychotherapy context. I am committed to ensuring I’m attending to these very important dimensions in treatment.

Additionally, I have also worked with many individuals who are interested in exploring and discussing their sexual orientation and gender identity. I work to provide an open and safe space to engage in this exploration.

Interested in initiating therapy with me? Please email me directly at or through the “Contact” page on this website.